Sports, UTEP, and Dr. Natalicio

I hate that it is all that I do lately but here is more downer shit.  Dr. Natalicio has been in charge for more than a quarter of a century at UTEP.  Ask yourselves what the football has been like during that period.  Now, do you think she hasn’t heard anything before?  She teaches kids.  Football is a diversion for the students, and since they don’t care, she reads that quite clearly.  It doesn’t matter to anyone except silly fans.  I know exactly how it works on a campus.  Leadership comes from the captain of the ship.  What do you think she does, what her job is?  To run all of UTEP’s different departments and set the agenda, tone, and measure the results.  Literally, she and doesn’t ask Stull, she tells him the agenda, makes sure he understands how she feels about it, and has watched the results.  Since Stull was here as long as he wanted to be here, he was obviously doing exactly what she wanted done.  She is the President and she has never been a rubber stamp figurehead.  She is a very strong leader.  Any teacher out there knows which principals run a tight ship, one that gets it done in all areas, academically, athletically, cafeteria, and sparkling shiny floors.  Any one on that ship not performing at a level of expectations will be gone.  Nothing personal.  They are cold blooded when it comes their ship.  Oh, and the people who work there, love it and the Captain.  They shine just like the floors.  It is pretty obvious to me that Dr. Natalicio has weighed the different aspects of the Athletic Departments role and is comfortable with its level of performance.  As for it being the face of the University as seen across the country, ask yourselves how many of her students come from anywhere other than El Paso county.  Nope, for her, and to those she is serving The Best Bang For the Buck recognition for the degrees she hands to her kids is all that matters.  Everything is perfect in Minerland.  Even the football players are getting good grades.

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